Thursday, November 20, 2008

Here are some pictures of Morgan. I have found that she is not very photogenic. The pictures do not do her justice. (mom's say that, I guess) She is such a sweet baby. She is on a pretty good schedule. She naps 3 good long naps a day and goes to bed around 10p.m then wakes up around 2:30-3:30, then back to bed until 6:30-7. I am functioning like a mostly normal person again. I am LOVING not being pregnant and the thought of doing it again makes me blahhhhhh. I usually really really want to nap by about 1 but it all depends on how the day is going. I have noticed that the time goes by so much quicker now with new baby. Laundry is never ending and this tiny tiny house is full of mish mosh. I have run out of space to put things away. Actually there is no "away" it's just piles and shiftings now. Tim and I have really enjoyed our time here in WA but with each passing day we are anxious for a change. Our primary program is this Sunday and it will be nice to get that out of the way. It is hard to get back into the swing of things after several weeks away. I am so excited to come to Utah for Christmas. My head is already churning about the logistics of the trip. (mom's do that, I guess). A long trip and new baby, with baby supplies, some Christmas presents, hidden, winter/snow clothes. It all makes a big car small really fast. Well that is all for now because baby just fell asleep, Landon is asleep and I too shall go to sleep before Lauren gets home from school.


The Beckstrom's said...

Oh what a little sweetheart!!Im glad all ent well and everyone is doing well.

Chris and Erin said...

Sounds fun but scary. I am getting a little nervous for this little one and juggling them in our schedule.

RING LEADER #2 said...

What a sweet little baby. I can't believe how big she looks already, She's so bright and alert!! Well you are looking for a change, western Washington is a little greener!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally! Pictures of your sweet baby! She is beautiful. Isn't is great to feel normal again? Have fun in Utah. I wish we could join you!

Anonymous said...

I just looked at these pictures again. We have that same ballerina outfut! Julianna wore it to her first ballet lesson (not her lesson, her first time watching her sisters'!)