Thursday, November 27, 2008

Kissed by an Angel

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I wanted to post a couple of pictures I took yesterday. Morgan was kissed by and angel before she was born. She has a hemangioma across the bottom of her back. It almost looks like a red tattoo or like someone kissed her while wearing red lipstick. It is quite symetrical. The Dr's said it will probably "puff up a little" or swell and then start to go away, but it may take several years. It is totally harmless but so interesting. She is still a sweet sweet baby. One of these day I hope to put a new family picture on here but the chance of us all being decent looking together at the same time is slim to none. We will see. We are traveling to Portland OR/Vancouver WA this weekend to see some friends and attend Tim's step-sister's baby's blessing. I will take lots of pics to post next week. Miss you all and love you.


The Beckstrom's said...

So sweet!! Your so lucky to have such a gorgeous family!

Val Crosby said...

Hey Abs, I need your address so I can send you a Christmas card. Can you just send it to my hotmail. account.

Thanks Abs,

P.S. Your kids are beautiful!