Playing at the Greenway park in Yakima.
Morgan (4 1/2 months)
She is a pretty happy baby these days, now that mom is on a strict diet of no cow. Well maybe a little milk or cheese from time to time. However I am mad to report that it has not helped me lose any weight. Rude huh!
Things are going a lot better these days. Spring fever/cabin fever has hit hard the last few weeks. Finally the sun is shinning today. It should be in the 50's. Hooray for Nags to go through all that trouble to come play with me and clean out my scary closets. Hooray for Whit and Matt and Winnie to come on the 15th. Hooray for Barbie and Colby, wish I could come. Hooray for me to have my wits about me. Hooray for Morgan to be sleeping from 9-5:30 am. (even though I am up at 5:30 for the day I am welcoming Daylight savings time) Hooray for Lauren for being a real good helper and for whining less these days. Hooray Landon because he is just so sweet and great. Hooray for Tim, he has a raw deal, but he works hard for our family and I love him. But he did buy a GPS and a couple of new guns, a motorcycle (another motorcycle) is soon to follow I'm sure. I don't think he could survive at Bear Lake without one. So all in all things are better. I miss everyone so so much. And that is my short report.
Hooray Abby. Love you.
I can't believe i have to wait another week to come up.. I WISH it was this sunday... Can't wait to kiss and love all your babies!!!
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