Friday, August 19, 2011

A new chapter

We had a great time in Utah this summer. We didn't stay quite as long as we normally do because right before I left WA in July Tim and I went to look at a house in Yakima that was for sale. We had our eye on the house for a while and the price had dropped several times over several months. We found that it was a foreclosure and with interest rates so low we decided to put in an offer just to see what would happen.
There were 2 other offers that came in the next day so we thought there was no chance that we would get the house. A week or so later those offers dropped off and it was just us. WHOOPS,, we just bought a house. In the mean time I was in Utah and no one back in WA knew that this was happening. I did tell my Young Women's presidency after a couple of weeks when I knew that we were actually buying the house. Most of the rest of the ward didn't know until 2 weeks ago. My mom came home with me from Utah and in 2 days we had almost everything packed up and in the trailer. Our closing date kept getting delayed but we finally closed yesterday and are hoping to get the keys today, maybe Monday. The kids are all enrolled in their new school and quite excited. Only a little nervous. Tim and I are excited to have some space and some projects. Tim and Landon went to Spokane today to pick a couple of John Deere's. A tractor and a mower. I will post some Utah pics after the move!!

1 comment:

Nancy Seljestad said...

Abby, you know how happy I am for you but also so sad for our Ward that you will be gone!!
Enjoy your new adventure!!